Beyond the Mic with Mike
Welcome to Beyond the Mic with Mike, a nurturing space dedicated to empowering new ministers across denominational lines. Hosted by Mike, a seasoned pastor with the United Pentecostal Church International, this podcast dives deep into the heart of ministry, offering actionable tips, personal encouragement, and a supportive community for those answering the call to serve. Whether you're an Apostolic minister or from another Christian tradition, you'll find invaluable guidance, inspiration, and fellowship here. Beyond the Mic is more than a podcast; it's a journey together towards making a profound impact in the lives we touch through our ministries. Join us!
Beyond the Mic with Mike
A Good Vocabulary
**Podcast Title: A Good Vocabulary**
**Episode Summary:**
In today's episode, we delve into the importance of developing a robust vocabulary and its impact on effective communication. We emphasize the need for effort and preparation in improving one's internal word bank, as the words we use and know significantly affect our ability to express ourselves clearly and effectively.
**Key Points:**
1. **Scriptural Foundation:**
- Proverbs 25:11 - "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
- Emphasizes the importance of timely and appropriate words.
2. **Misinterpretation of Scripture:**
- Luke 12:11-12 often misunderstood as a directive to avoid preparation.
- Clarification that it encourages faith and not panic, not a lack of preparation.
3. **Necessity of Preparation:**
- Proverbs 16:23 - Wise individuals prepare and add learning to their lips.
- Colossians 3:23-24 - Do everything with excellence for God's glory.
- 1 Peter 3:15 - Always be prepared to give an answer with knowledge and clarity.
4. **Vocabulary as a Tool:**
- Comparison of words to tools like hammers and nails for a carpenter.
- Importance of having the right words to build strong messages.
5. **Building Vocabulary:**
- Active use, reading, writing, and practice are key methods.
- Avoid laziness; strive to articulate thoughts clearly.
6. **Examples from History:**
- Hitler and Stalin’s use of vocabulary to evoke strong emotions and achieve their goals.
- Reflection on using vocabulary to build and deliver God's message.
7. **Recommendations:**
- "We Preach" by Jerry Jones – a must-read for preachers at all levels.
- Practice preaching out loud, proper pronunciation of difficult words.
- Use tools like thesauruses and diagrams to find better words.
8. **Practical Tips:**
- Avoid lazy words like "very"; use precise alternatives (e.g., "deafening" instead of "very noisy").
- Continual effort to improve one’s craft is essential.
Improving vocabulary is crucial for effective ministry and communication. Preachers and speakers must strive to give their best effort in preparation and articulation to honor their calling and deliver impactful messages.
- Diagrams and tools for improving vocabulary will be posted on Facebook and YouTube.
- Engage with these resources to enhance your word bank and communication skills.
**Call to Action:**
- Work on your vocabulary regularly.
- Read and practice speaking to articulate your message clearly.
- Strive for excellence in all aspects of your ministry.
Thank you for listening. Continue to support and share the podcast. Have a blessed day!
Today's episode is titled, A Good Vocabulary. We're going to talk about the need to put forth your effort to improve your internal word bank. The words you say matter, the words you know matter. Let's get started. I want us open with a scripture from Proverbs 25 and 11. It says, A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Now I'll admit in context it's talking about timely advice, but in reality it's still expressing the need to have the right words. So you need to know what to say.
You can't just say God, good, devil, bad. You need to be able to express yourself. Now, and believe it or not, I have heard it taught now, albeit not heavily, but I have heard it taught that notes are not supposed to be used while you're preaching because we're supposed to be spirit led when preaching and they get that idea from a misunderstanding of what Jesus says in Luke from Luke 12, 11 through 12 is he said, and when they bring you onto the synagogues and onto magistrates and powers, Take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say.
For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say. So there Jesus was not giving orders to never prepare. He was giving instructions to not panic and to have faith. That's what he's telling when he says take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer. He's not telling them just wing it.
He's telling them the Holy Ghost has your back. And I'm not here to talk about notes today. I'm here to talk about your vocabulary, but the same misguided thought process can lead you to be lazy with this crucial piece of your ministry. We think if we have enough, enough faith in the Holy Ghost, that he will take care of everything.
It doesn't work that way. First, here are some other scriptures that contradict the idea of no preparation is required. Let's lay a good foundation first. Proverbs 16 and 23. The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and addeth learning to his lips. This suggests that wise people prepare and learn to speak effectively.
It says the wise teaches his mouth and addeth learning to his lips. You have to prepare and learn to speak. Put that, you got to teach your mouth and learn, put learning to your lips. You have to learn to speak Colossians three and 23 through 24 and whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men, knowing that of the Lord, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Developing good communication skills and a strong vocabulary. It can be seen as part of doing all things with excellence for God's glory. Can you imagine doing your ministry half hearted because you think the Holy Ghost is going to do it for you? Yeah, doesn't it doesn't ministry does not work that way.
We are responsible for our efforts God is responsible for the result first Peter 3 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man That asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear So here the Bible is telling you you better have words You better know what to say when someone asks you a question.
Being prepared implies a level of study and readiness. Here you need to be able to articulate your thoughts clearly and effectively. I read a book recently and it was quoting, it had a quote that I like. I did not read this book, but this book referenced, The Hiding Place by Corey Ten Boom. Hammer and nails are tools of the carpenter.
So as such, words are tools of the preacher. That's so good. Just like a carpenter uses his hammer and his nails, the preacher uses the words. That's what solidifies your frame. That's what hangs the picture. That's what puts this wall up. That's what makes things stick together is your words. Are your words, and if you don't know what words to use, because you don't put forth the effort, then your, your structure is going to be weak and minimal.
You must know when to use which words, not just to make your message clear, but also to keep the message attached to the listener. I cannot stress it enough how important it is to have a good vocabulary. So how do you build a vocabulary? Not just by reading and writing, But by using it, you have to practice it.
And I may have, I can't remember if I put this in my notes already, but I want you to understand you don't have to impress your audience with your vocabulary. I'm not here to tell you, you have to sound smart. I'm suggesting that you have an arsenal of a good vocabulary and you use the appropriate words when necessary.
Okay. Nobody cares how big of a word you can use, but if you don't have the words at all to use, because you don't educate yourself, whether you are limiting how effective your message can be, that is what I'm teaching today. You must not should, you must develop your vocabulary and it can be effective for all things, not just.
For a minister, but even Hitler and Stalin had great vocabularies. Hitler used rhetoric. If you've never taken a good English class and you don't know what rhetoric is, you, you should really study rhetoric. That's a good way of persuading people. Types of persuasion. Stalin used writings. But both leaders understood the power of words to evoke strong emotions such as fear, anger, and hope.
All of those can be directed towards their political goals. But what are you building with your vocabulary? They built their empire, what are you building? We're just trying to build a message to deliver God's word. We're just trying to build a pathway between God and his people. And it's only going to be as good as your vocabulary.
Jerry Jones longtime district general secretary. Now he's working at Irshon as a professor. He wrote a phenomenal book called We Preach. I cannot recommend that book enough. Not just for a new preacher. I don't care if you've been preaching 50 years, read it. You are not good enough or you don't need it.
Everyone can grasp something from that book. That's where I got. A lot of what I just said, but you can learn how to use your words, how to structure it, you need to practice your vocabulary, practice your messages out loud. I used to teach my guys that when you write out your notes, you need to hear yourself saying the words, practice saying the words, you know, I'll be honest with you.
Some of the names in the Bible are hard to read. Some of the cities are hard to read. Don't be lazy and say. And try to be silly, say this long word here. No, that's not cute. That shows that you did not put forth effort into your message. Pull out of reference, pull out a lexicon, look it up, find out how to pronounce that word.
And practice it and then record your messages, record yourself saying it and play it back again, so you could hear yourself. You've got to do this. These are, we must always continue to work on our craft. If you get to the point where you don't work on preaching, you have already failed God at becoming a better preacher.
Everybody can become a better preacher. God deserves our best. I, I'm going to post on Facebook and on the YouTube channel when I get it. Some pictures that I've found that help you work on your vocabulary. These were writing tools specifically, but it's still appropriate. One was this, how to find the perfect word.
And it starts out with six central words. And this is a diagram of circular, like a pie. You've got fear. But instead of, instead of using the word fear, you could use him humiliated, rejected, submissive, insecure, anxious, scared, and then no breakout to frighten, terrified, overwhelmed, worried, inadequate, inferior, worthless, insignificant.
Did I say in it? I did say inadequate already. A alienated, disrespected instead of sad or from sad, you got guilty, abandoned, despaired, depressed, lonely, bored. So it's not just necessarily a thesaurus, but it tells you what words you can get from that. And I'm not going to read every one of these words to you, but you get the gist.
It's there to help you. And the other one was, instead of using the word very, very is a lazy word.
You put no thought into it. It's a, it's a lazy adjective. So instead of saying very noisy, you could say deafening. Instead of very often, you could say frequently. And you can just go on down, say, instead of saying very sharp, you can say keen, instead of very shiny, you can say gleaming. And there's just a whole list, but that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Don't be lazy with your words. Find a way to articulate better. Paint a better picture. That is the sum of it. You must paint a better picture. We have an obligation to do our best job, not just with what we have. Now, that's where we get lazy. We have faith that God will use us to his, you know, to, to the fullest, but we also have an obligation to give God the best that we can give him to use.
Yes. The woman only gave two mice. That's all she had. But we must still give if we have a chance to give him three mites and we need to give him three if we have a Chance to get four we need to give him four go back to the parable of the talents If we can go up and give him as we need to give him as much talent as possible and he will reward accordingly We cannot just say well i've got my two talents.
That's good enough. Don't be lazy Work on it. This is the highest calling you will ever receive This is more important than anything else. The creator of existence has called you to serve. And he has chosen the foolishness of preaching to save. We must get it right. You have to work on it. So I'm going to post those two pictures on the Facebook.
So you can look at them. You get the idea. Read. Write them. Use them. Work on your vocabulary. That's my tip today. That's the podcast today. Thank you all for listening. This podcast is growing and obviously it's because of you. I love you all. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day.